Eye care for Rockland, Westchester, Bergen, & Orange County
At Spinak Medical Eye Center, our commitment is to improve your life through optimal vision.
From the moment your appointment is made, to the completion of your care, you entrust your sight to us.
We are privileged to accept this task. We thank you for choosing us and make it our mission to provide you with excellence, courtesy and professionalism.
Community Involvement
Board certified ophthalmologists / eye surgeons and staff care for you and your families eye health. Practicing in Rockland County since 1976, Spinak Medical Eye Center has been actively involved in our community and believe that quality medical eye care is our responsibility.
Our doctors are part of the community and take your eye health very seriously.
Some of the local organizations and programs Spinak Medical Eye Center is involved with include:
Association for the Visually Impaired – Helps persons of all ages who are visually impaired, blind or deaf-blind living throughout Rockland and Orange Counties to lead as independent a life as possible by providing rehabilitation and counseling services in their homes and communities. Individualized rehabilitation teaching, social services, orientation and mobility, functional vision training and educational services are provided.
Return the Favor – Discounts to Veterans
Rockland S.A.V.E.S Lives – Discount for 1st responders
Lions Club

Meet the Team
Get to know our experienced Ophthalmologists, Orthoptist, Optical Shop and Staff.
Our professional staff is experienced in diagnostic testing and evaluation of all refractive and ocular disorders.
To serve you better, many of our staff are:
Members of the ASOA and JCAHPO
Keep current with the most up-to-date information by taking continuing education courses.